
29 Aug 2011

Poems to make you happy and sleepy

 I read poems from AA Milne's When We Were Very Young to Edie a couple of times a week when I put her to bed. Do you remember these poems from when you were a kid? I have so many favorites but one we always turn to is Spring Morning. I think it's beautiful; wistful and soft, a little sweetly sad and yet it has such a positivity to it. Here's a little bit:

Where am I going? The high rooks call:
"It's awful fun to be born at all."
Where am I going? The ring-doves coo:
"We do have beautiful things to do."

 Edie loves this poem probably as much for the fact that there's a picture of a little boy with a kite as for the beautiful rhythm of the words but this book of poems is a gem for getting her little eyelids to lower sleepily. It reminds me of what a safe, cosy and yet exciting place childhood can be. 

 There are so many books I can't wait to read with Edie as she grows, and of course, new ones to discover alongside her. Teddy Robinson, My Naughty Little Sister, Pippi Longstocking, Milly Molly Mandy- I adored all these books when I was little. I have such strong memories of them. Funny how a memory of a story can be clearer than a memory of real life isn't it? What are your favorite childhood books? Share them with me.


  1. Harold and the Purple Crayon, and Corduroy!

  2. Your post is so sweet, I use to read books to my younger sisters at bedtime, they loved Curious George, the Cat in the Hat and Peter Rabbit.

  3. I still remember the book I learned to read with...There Are Rocks In My Socks Said The Ox To The Fox. It's a mouthful!
