days and a night in London. A whirlwind trip, a taster. We
used to live in the capital, a long time ago now. Ah, happy days.
We did the Natural History Museum first and, wow, it's even more beautiful than I remember. Taking Edie into the huge Central Hall and seeing the Diplodocus stood there in all his colossal bony glory gave me shivers. I sometimes get a bit overawed in foyers and entrances to wonderful places, like in Disney World, on Main Street, where all I can do is stop myself from erupting like a geyser of emotion at how damn awesome the world is. Well, the Central Hall in the Natural History Museum made me well up. And the Deli Cafe does great food and I bought a pretty and clever book called Kaleidoscope Sky, so all in all I was over the moon.
The Science Museum was a little shabby but still well worth a visit. We managed to take some time out in the Shake Bar for chocolate chip milkshakes (we missed no opportunity to fill our tummies with tasty stuff)
And, yes, Edie missed the milkshakes. But she made up for that x10 when she ate the biggest ice cream sundae I've ever seen at Fortnum and Mason which was meant to be shared between the three of us. But, hey, I guess two year olds don't have the whole sharing thing down pat quite yet. That girl can EAT.
***Important note to all lovers of hot chocolate- the child's hot chocolate at Fortnum and Mason is amazing. And that's not a blog exaggeration. That's a fact. There cannot be a better hot chocolate anywhere on this Earth.***
Now that makes it sound like all we did was eat and drink liquid chocolate stuffs but we did manage to fit in a few other things. Like going to Spitalfield's Market, where we went to Leon for lunch, admittedly an eating activity again, but have you been to a Leon? Well, if you can you should. I recommend.
Now we're home and looking forward to a weekend of painting and getting ready for Phase One of our move. We're aiming for a week Saturday for a partial move into our new home. Eek. Can't wait.
I love getting comments on my posts. It's a great feeling to know that someone out there's reading them and is at least vaguely interested. There are some amazing and utterly inspiring girls out there whose blogs I visit and who sometimes come and say 'hello' by dropping in on mine.
Thank you ladies! It's always a pleasure to meet you.
But then, once in a while, there are the comments that make you go 'mmmmm', the ones that have a masked aggression or a sarcastic tone. I admit I'm lucky to have avoided that so far, probably because not that many people read my blog, but the other day I noticed a comment that made me a tiny bit unsure about the way it was intended. Not that it was out and out bitchy at all, just a leetle bit snarky. Anyway, it got me thinking, about what I write about in this blog and about what kind of image I'm projecting here.
I know what pisses me off about certain blogs, no matter how much I love them or how cool the author is. It riles me when people's lives are protrayed as being uber-perfect, whatever kind of lifestyle they have chosen to project. These blogs are so inspiring but can also make me feel a little inadequate, like one of life's losers, even though I realise that even the most sorted, confident, beautiful and successful of us have mood swings, disasters, illnesses and annoying habits just like we all do. Now, I'm not saying that I've set myself up as having a 'perfect' life here at all (I wish) I'm just wondering if I need to show a bit more of the shit that goes on in my life as well as the lovely stuff. Cos, there's a lot of shit, believe me. And doesn't make that make life more interesting? The way that we're growing and learning all the time, looking for the beauty and the love in life even through the not-so-great times?

But then... I do find I return to the 'beautiful lives' blogs again and again. The ones that hold the promise of a life more lovely. The ones that make my tummy ache a little because it's all so damn perfect.
I don't know what the answer is. I suppose sharing and promoting the good things in life is a good primary motivator but then I can't turn my blogging back on the darker side of life either, or the hum drum side, or the ugly side, not completely.
Life isn't all perfect days out and new shoes and macaroons and thrifting that perfect coffee table and constantly being the confident, self- worshipping goddess that we'd all like to be.
But then how much of the truth do you put into your blog? Are you writing almost as a character, self-editing your life for the pages of your blog, or as yourself as best you can? Yourself with a hangover, and PMT, and backache, and when your best friend is pissing you off? When you're lonely or sad and wondering what the hell to do with your life?
What do you think?