
1 Aug 2012

the easiest strawberry milk make ever

We've been indoors for 4 straight days now due to a someone in our household suffering with chicken pox. This little someone has a very mild case but is getting a bit fed up, understandably. But if there's one thing that can lift my girl out of the doldrums it's filling her tummy with yummy things. 

And so I set out to make some Pink Milk. Edie loves pink milk, just like Lola from Charlie and Lola does but with a verosity bordering on that of a crazed addict. We can't risk keeping a carton in the house in fear of hours of 'Can I have some pink milk?' (yes), 'Can I have some more pink milk' (no), and then 'But I LOVE pink milk SO MUCH' (cue tears and violent acts of toddlerdom).

Making it yourself is so easy and means no E numbers or off putting ingredients that you will probably read about in the Guardian next week under the scary headline of 'Are we poisoning our kids?'.

All you need is-
A cup full of strawberries
A cup full of water
A quarter to a half of a cup of sugar (depending on your sweet tooth)

Chop up the strawberries and into the saucepan they go along with the water and the sugar. 
Simmer for 10 minutes. 

Sieve the strawberries and catch the syrupy juice in a jug or bowl. 

Spoon the syrup into a glass of ice cold milk until the milk reaches the desired level of 'pinkness'. Pop in a straw... and drink.  
This post has been linked up to Faith, Hope and Charity Shopping's Ta-Dah! Tuesday - go take a look.


  1. We've been all about banana milkshake in this house, but I reckon pink milk could be popular too. Hope the dreaded pox is gone soon, it's no fun having to stay home while everyone's out and about.

    1. Today has been the worst. I need to get out tomorrow scabs or no scabs. Even if i have to drive up the mountain where only the sheep could catch it. X

  2. ah that looks lovely and i bet it was v popular. Wonder if you could use frozen berries outside of strawberry season - will give it a try, as a certain someone in this house would adore Pink Milk.

    Hope you managed to get out and about, once the scabs form they are OK to be out anyway, even if they don't look that great! Cabin fever is dreadful - when mine had the pox Bear (boy) got it at the end of the school summer hols so had 10 days extra at home, then almost as soon as he recovered, Butterfly, his little sis got it, so that was another stint at home. Never read so many blogs in my life!!
