
13 Jun 2011

I haven't quite got this blog in hand yet. It's still very much under construction and I'm not at all sure of the directions I'd like it to take. I like the idea of having set days to blog certain things but my life is chaotic and it sometimes feels impossible to pin things down into a schedule. However, I really feel the need to keep at it, hoping it will take form organically. I can be a terrible over-thinker at times and too much planning equals not enough doing, right? The thing to do is to start, just to start wherever and keep going. It's way too easy to waste precious time planning and working out projects in your head and on paper but that gets you nowhere without action. So here's to getting up off your ass and making a start, it's the only way to get things done.


  1. It can take a little while to figure out where your blog is going. Mine started as a travel blog while i was living overseas and has evolved since then but the most important thing to remember is to enjoy it. It's easy to feel pressure (from yourself) to post everyday or to write for other people and the reality is you can't keep every reader happy, nor should you. This is something I need to remind myself on a regular basis because in the end, the blog is mine and there's no point comparing it to others!
    Definitely keep at it though, you'll find that you look around for constant inspiration and you'll probably see things you've never noticed before!

  2. it's normal honey!
    you'll fnd your own way for the blog!
    but it something that always come sslowly with the time! :)
    follow each other?
    sweet italian kisses

    Syriously in Fashion

  3. I think letting it grow organically is a good idea, whatever works best for you! I schedule all my posts, but only because I have enough in draft form to allow me to do that. It also means I can write a post when I want to, and I'm not pressured by anything. Just a thought, anyway :)

  4. Just stumbled across your blog by random & I really like it..!

    Your designs are lovely & I've really enjoyed scrolling back through your posts & having a little read here & there.

    I completely agree with you too - letting your blog grow as it goes is a wonderful way to look at it. Sometimes I get so swept up trying to set aside time to design & create new blog posts that I forget my main purpose in creating it - to enjoy my own designs & to be creative outside of my 9 - 5 job.

    & on that note, a big thankyou for reminding me of what's important.. & consider me an avid follower from this day forward..!



  5. Oh thank you so much for all your kind comments and advice guys! I love reading your comments ad exploring your blogs. Yay for blogging! XXX

  6. addictive! One thing you may be interested in (which I have guiltily only done once...will carry it on though!) Is SouleMama's {This Moment}

    A Friday ritual, where you take a pic and share it without words, every Friday - something special to you - a moment you want to sit and reflect about.

    find the link here to her blog

    you'll have to scroll down a bit to find her latest {this moment} post.
