
22 Jun 2011

Reading makes your world big

I've been meaning to create a 'reading' print for Edie's room for a while now and I'm really happy with how this one turned out. It'll look so great in her room. I'm thinking of getting a bright coloured frame for it. Maybe turquoise or hot pink? She loves her books (which I'm over the moon about) and I'm so looking forward to us rediscovering all the books I fell in love with as a child together whilst also finding new ones to explore. She's got so much reading bliss to look forward to!
I adore making things for my little girl, it makes me so happy to see the way she loves looking at pictures and artwork, especially when she goes 'Wow...' like she's blown away by it. And yesterday, when I drew a pretty ropey picture of her face she gasped and said 'Oh, mummy, that's billant'. The best praise ever.
I hope to get the 'Reading' print up on my etsy asap. Hope you like it.


  1. i imagine it can be hard to impress kids at times so this would definitely be the best compliment ever :)

  2. how cute! I have yet to visit your etsy shop, can't wait to see the print!

  3. You have a beautiful blog and a beautiful baby!! It´s great to share everything you know with your kids.Visit my blog =)

  4. That print is wonderful, what a great gift for your daughter! And that is so exciting that she loves to read!!

  5. That is the cutest little thing ever...and the print is adorable, too! I'm with you, the best praise are the sincere little exclamations of your little one (c: I love your etsy shop, too! So many cute things! Glad you dropped by so I could find you!

  6. The print is GREAT. I love reading and this it's so important.

    Inspector Climate only reads non-fiction which is a bit of sticking point for us...but I am glad he reads at all.

  7. Reading always keeps me occupied and happy away from the stress of the world. Love to read. =) Great blog dear, and I'm following. Maybe you'll visit me one day too.


  8. Amazign blog!!!
    Kisses from México!
