
12 Feb 2013

Sunday - a photo an hour

On Sunday I took and Instagrammed a photo-an-hour. It was raining, dark, we all had colds and we stayed indoors. Not the most exciting day to document but this little practice does make you stop and look around yourself to notice the loveliness in the mundane. 

And today it's still raining and we've still got colds and so yet another day spent indoors. But that's not so bad when we've got pens and paper and glue, and DVDs to watch, and, of course, it's Pancake Day! 

Pancakes always make the world a better place. 


  1. What lovely pictures Anna ... this is a great idea ... I really like the apple one ... hope you all feel much better soon ... Bee xx

  2. I hope you are all feeling better soon. Loveliness in the mundane - aces!
